We support Ann because she first aims to center victims in our city’s prosecution of misdemeanor crimes, something that has been missing for over a decade. We want this for our communities because victims should receive justice and the public must be protected. Any of us could be a victim any day.

We also support Ann because she understands our city needs societal and relational healing that includes relationships between communities of color and those who serve them as police officers, as well as between communities and those returning after incarceration.

Enforcing our laws protects our communities. We should be able to trust that our laws mean something. To do this, our city needs to have an adequate number of trained, sensitive police officers based upon our population. We do not believe that we currently have an adequate number to provide public safety. Our desire is to see public safety managed by our city far better and we believe that starts with a new city attorney, Ann Davison

James Fuda,* Executive Director of Crimestoppers
Victoria Beach,* Chair African American Community Advisory Council to SPD
Ruby Holland, longtime Central District resident
Harvey Drake,* Lead Pastor Emerald City Bible Fellowship, President & Founder Urban Impact